Month: September 2021

I talk to many people as I go about my business. You could say I have changed from my beginning. I used to put my blinders on and go about my business not wanting to be noticed. This came about because I was bullied in public school, as most everyone was at one time. Once […]

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Now I winter where big mono culture fields of lettuces grow all winter. Because they are mono culture they spray them with poison to control insects. They flood them with synthetic fertilizers. What you don’t see can hurt you as much as the poison being sprayed. The crop rotation includes a large crop of cotton. […]

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When I started my journey I did it with the message app on my phone. The problem, no one could just stumble upon my stuff. I literally would hope others on my list would pass the links I would send to them on, to their list, and so on. I would send links on in […]

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I am beginning to believe that those that will listen have! I hope I am wrong! Yup, If your still on the fence, than keep doing your research. If your off the fence then keep observing what is happening to the “Vaxxed”, Many who would like to have a redo. If you believe the MSM […]

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