So everyone has a familiarity with the apple right? From childhood we have been told the most popular stories. Eve was tempted, Sleeping Beauty took a nap! What is it about the apple? Really it’s just symbology, but it could go much deeper. So let’s do some delving into it shall we?

If you know that it all starts with Mind Control, a simple apple is the perfect tool! Everyone has indulged in an apple at one time or another, so what better visualization could be used! From Genesis to completion, from childhood to death, our thought of the first sin, we think of the apple!

We are not going in that direction, but it is worth noting, just the same. No, we are going to that childhood fable of that most beautiful sleeping innocent dreamboat, Sleeping Beauty! Some say the apple was poison, but it is said it only had a spell cast upon it. The Prince was the only one able to break that spell! We are reminded over and over about this fable in the form of our prince charming, or a prince on a white stallion. No matter what reminder it is, it serves MKUltra in every instants we here! From Eve, to the coming of Christ, or any of the magical stories in the bible, they all come with the same trance like state for believers everywhere!!!

So speaking about the poison apple! Our story starts with something much more nefarious. But before we go there I would like to introduce you to the dirty dozen, named that because they are the most poisoned fruits and vegetables:

  • Apples
  • Celery
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Grapes
  • Hot peppers
  • Nectarines(imported)
  • Peaches
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet bell peppers

As well as

  • Kale/collard greens
  • Summer squash

It is recommended to only buy these in the organic section! If you grow your own all the better! As long as you are not using poison bug control on them!

Notice the first on the list! I don’t know if that is because it is the worst on the list, or luck would have it! At one time or another, if your familiar with this list, you awoke to your poison environment! My wake up call, was in large part because I was directed to the fact that there were a very evil group trying to kill us! Blame this wake up call on a King in white Shirt, wearing a red tie(symbol for a war time leader), who sent his army to destroy those that would harm the children of creation! Someone that God rose up for the task!

If you have looked at my history here, you realize I have focused in one path! We must look past what has caught our eye to avoid the pitfalls in our path. For my family, We lost Saundra, because we were focused on the Plandemic thing, without thought to the food poisoning issue, more time should have been spent on cures, rather than one item! We all know to some degree about many of the following, Keep in mind that I am only hitting the main points. Our environment is so heavily poisoned in so many ways it might be impossible to cover everything! Short of intervention from the Universe We may still be lost!

  • Kill Shot bio-weapon
  • poisoning of our food supply
  • Pharma meds
  • Chem trails
  • contamination of the blood supply
  • Over the counter remedies
  • poisons in most all personal hygiene, and cleaning products
  • Water supply, land, via Chem Trails and crop dusting, and cleaning products, etc.

You may think of something I left out that is just as important! I have not discounted anything, I just overlooked it! feel free to leave your suggestion. I will gladly add it to the list!

It is easy to see that the globalists were well on their way to accomplish the world population to 500 million that they desired. The problem is they as I know have no way of keeping things from total destruction of the population on earth. What comes to mind is the passage in the Cannon(Bible), that least Our Creator intervene man would destroy all life on planet earth! Please don’t fact check! I did take liberty in the reference, The mention was to make a point!

In conclusion:

Love is the most important component in our survival! We could go on our way and worry about our own life! However to pass anything on to our children, we must share our life, and experience, with others! We must care how everyone will survive or we have gained nothing!

We must not focus on one thing, rather account for all the ways they are poisoning us, least we die from what we didn’t see!

We must support the world military alliance, in the removal of the plague known as the evil Satan worshiping elite, that worship by torturing, killing, eating, and drinking the blood of our children!!!

As a final note: The Space force is requesting all people to report inappropriate behavior they see towards our children, and other criminal behavior we believe is overlooked via email to give enough information so they know who they are looking for , and for what action! They will respond by cleaning up the issue. Don’t expect a call back!

I am not a white hat! however I have adopted this in closing!